
6 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition

Our intuition is our own innate guidance system that we have brought with us onto this Earth. Sometimes it comes up as a voice or a feeling, but most often it’s just a “knowing” within us. It’s the time you would say to yourself, “I just know” but cannot explain why or how you know. Some of us are more in tune with our intuition whereas some of us are completely closed down to it, and yet some of us are aware of it but ignore it.

I was asked recently how to open up more of this intuitive power so here are several ways to help:

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Breaking Negative Patterns With 4 A’s

Do you sometimes find yourself stuck in a loop? Or do you continue experiencing the same cycle over and over again but you don’t realize this is happening to you? Patterns sometimes takes time to notice. Some patterns are over extended periods of times while other cycles happen only after a short period of rest.

Remember these 4 A’s to help you break out of negative patterns:

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5 Easy Ways To Minimize Stress At Work

Got stress at work? Well, here are five easy methods to help you not only ease your stress at work but also help you to ease your stress in life:

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5 Best Ways to Control Anger

Often times when we get angry, some of us bottle it up inside, some of us lash out at others around us whether verbally or physically, some of us clock out from the situation, and some of us channel it into something specific. They are many ways that people can deal with anger yet most of us react rather than respond. When a person reacts, it’s instant.

How Hypnotherapy Can Help Quit Smoking Easily and Naturally

You have finally decided that you are ready to quit smoking. You’ve made the decision to help yourself and you know for sure that you definitely want to quit for good. It seems so easy to stick a patch on your arm, or take a pill, and BOOM no more cravings to smoke. That sounds […]


Time to Get in Shape

It’s that time of year again. The festivities of the holidays have ended, and you have a few extra pounds to show for it. Well it’s a new year, and it’s up to you whether or not you want to start it off in the right direction. I mean what better direction is there to […]


Fighting Sexual Assault With Hypnotherapy

Many times the victim ends up blaming themselves for the sexual assault and the shame that takes hold of them so deeply prevents them from revealing the truth. So many factors play a role in victims not reporting it to anyone. For example, if the perpetrator was a family member like an uncle, brother, dad, […]


Stop Bullying! Get Hypnotherapy!

With First Lady-Trump of the United States giving attention to the widespread issue of bullying, people are taking this prevalent issue of bullying more seriously.  Bullying appears everywhere from the schools to the workplace to the city streets to social media and even in the White House.  Bullying can show up in many forms, whether is physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, social bullying, sexual bullying which is basically shaming, and the newest one with the existence of social media, cyber bullying.  No matter the form of bullying, they all aim to demean a person to make them feel inferior in some way or like an outcast as if they don’t belong.

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Transform Depressed Feelings with Hypnotherapy

Do you know that just about everyone has been depressed at some point in their lives? Whether it’s a traumatic event, emotional stress of some sort, or just a change in environment that had a negative impact, and so many other situations, when feelings associated with these situations are not felt and expressed, this can lead to what we know today as depression.

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What is Hypnosis?

I am choosing not to use the word “relaxation” to describe hypnosis because one is not always aware of being relaxed during the state of hypnosis. Think of a time when you were so absorbed into a video game, a movie, a story, a book, or a theater production that you temporarily forgot your surroundings for a while.