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Stop Bullying! Get Hypnotherapy!

With First Lady-Trump of the United States giving attention to the widespread issue of bullying, people are taking this prevalent issue of bullying more seriously.  Bullying appears everywhere from the schools to the workplace to the city streets to social media and even in the White House.  Bullying can show up in many forms, whether is physical abuse, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, social bullying, sexual bullying which is basically shaming, and the newest one with the existence of social media, cyber bullying.  No matter the form of bullying, they all aim to demean a person to make them feel inferior in some way or like an outcast as if they don’t belong.

Instances Where You May Feel Being Bullied

While there can be many causes of bullying, it seems to be that when someone looks different or acts differently from the majority, it creates the pattern for being bullied. Often times, the one who is considered the bully has been bullied by someone else and therefore spreads this form of communication. In little children, being bullied by a bigger sibling or relative could then lead them to bully a classmate in school. Bullying is the act of intimidating a person whom you perceive to be weaker in order for you to feel more powerful. This means that in little children, they felt as if their power had been taken away by the bigger sibling or relative so they counteract that feeling by doing something and saying things to their classmate, the victim, so they feel that they take back their power.

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Been Bullied As A Victim?

The situation comes about when the one doing the bullying sees a response from the one being the victim that makes the bully feel like he or she has won. The bully will therefore continue to demean the victim to receive a response that produces feelings that makes the bully feel strong, powerful, or superior to the victim. When the one who is the victim responds to the bully each time in a similar fashion, crying, backing down, or losing the fight in some way, the situation further exacerbates into continuous bullying. In other words, bullying is all about a power play.

How Does Bullying Affects Human Behaviour?

It’s such a tricky situation when a child is going through this sometimes on a daily basis and does not have enough tools at his or her disposal to counteract the bullying. I once had a client who as a child had his food swapped by a classmate every day for a full year and though he tried so many different pathways to fix the situation, nothing worked. As an adult it led to him being overly controlling because he could not control the situation as a child. With another client, a negative statement from a classmate caused her to cry in kindergarten which then resulted in daily bullying for 10 years growing up with this particular classmate. As an adult, this led to very low self-esteem and eventually symptoms relating to OCD behavior.hypnotherapy near me

How Hypnotherapy is Helpful In Coping Up With Such Situations?

Sometimes bullying results in suicide because the victim feels as if there is nothing they can do to win, to take back their life, and to get out of the situation. In the news these days, we hear little children as young as 7 years old taking their life as a result of bullying. In other extremes of this situation, cases of mass murder happens where the victim unleashes their wrath onto everyone as evidenced in the recent Parkland MSD School shooting. This happens because there is a lack of resources for the child to learn how to handle situations of bullying, and most importantly the feelings that comes up as a result of being bullied.

Many people are not aware of the effects that bullying has on a person which can sometimes be lifelong. Fortunately lots of different kinds of therapy, including hypnotherapy exists that can help children and victims of bullying. Hypnotherapy has many techniques that can be taught to a person to help them feel empowered. Techniques are taught so the victim can help himself or herself in the present situations. At the same time, we help the individual deal with the negative feelings that emerges as a result of the being bullied, and focus on raising self-esteem. If the bullying has happened in the past yet it continues to affect your present day life as an adult, sometimes in ways that you are not aware, we help you process the internal memory with the underlying feelings so it no longer continues to affect your present day life.

Are you ready to help yourself overcome bullying? Most importantly, are you ready to help your child who is a victim of bullying? Do you think that your child is a bully? Then Hypnotherapy can help bring forth resolution to help each person transform.

Stop bullying in its tracks. Help yourself and your child to embrace friendship and kindness instead.