
Hypnotherapy For Golf

Optimize Your Golf Game with Hypnotherapy

Have you ever wondered what makes the best golfers separate from the regular golfers?  Some of the best golfers realize that in order to be better at golf, it’s important to get hypnotized! Tiger Woods for example has been using hypnosis to stay focused in the zone during his golf game.  In the world of golf, hypnosis is not popular, yet over the many years as a Hypnotherapist, golfers that are serious about their game have come to me for golf hypnosis to overcome their limitations and maximize their gaming skills.

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6 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition

Our intuition is our own innate guidance system that we have brought with us onto this Earth. Sometimes it comes up as a voice or a feeling, but most often it’s just a “knowing” within us. It’s the time you would say to yourself, “I just know” but cannot explain why or how you know. Some of us are more in tune with our intuition whereas some of us are completely closed down to it, and yet some of us are aware of it but ignore it.

I was asked recently how to open up more of this intuitive power so here are several ways to help:

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